The software I am using to edit my footage for the music video is iMovie. This is the same software that I used for last years project as it is simple and easy to use. This allows me to add the music to my footage and iMovie also offers a range of different effects and techniques. When completing last years AS project I also used iMovie for this which helped when using this software again as I was already aware of how to use it. This also meant that I knew the capabilities of iMovie and how I could use its features for my music video again this year. Overall I liked using iMovie as there were a number of options when it came to transitions and effects however I felt that the unusual layout didn't help in terms of using the program itself.
I also used Photoshop for this project. I used Photoshop so that i could edit a number of photos in the program which then allowed me to use these photos for my CD cover and CD insert . I also used this piece of software to create my magazine advert as it is a very commonly used professional program. However i had not used Photoshop before this project so at first i was unaware of how to use it. although after looking at number of tutorials and trying a few things on the program itself I was able to use it effectively. After I had used photoshop for a bit I realised why it is such a commonly used piece of software due the huge amount of options available when it comes to editing something as it can be drastically improved.
Although I used Photoshop to edit the photos for my CD cover and the insert i will be putting these images onto Disc label to create the actual cover and insert. Disc label is very simple and easy to use piece of software and although i had not used it before i was able to adapt quickly and get the best i could out of the software. This was due to its simple layout and the fact that templates are already made for CD covers and inserts and you can just add what you want to them. However disc label is not as good as other pieces of software such as Photoshop as the options available to the user are limited.