Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Audience Feedback

This post will be notes on the audience feedback that i received. This was the feedback from my rough cut when a few fellow classmates watched my video making notes on what they liked about it as well as suggestions for improving my video.

- When the symbols are hit they dont match the shot
-good lip synching but the shot lasts too long
-waking up shot ties well with the narrative
-walking shots are too long
-needs to have footage from the night

-different times of day should be used in shots
-good shots of the band but some of the shots need to be cropped
-greater variety of shots needed
-lip syncing lasts too long

-shots at night needed
-shots of the band are good but should be shorter
-ending on the door shutting is good
-walking shots need to be broken up more

-wider variety of shots needed
-walking shots need to be shortened to keep the video interesting
-shots of the protagonist at night are needed
-the lip syncing is good
-however there is one part where it is slightly out of time
-some of the shots could do with an added effect or filter

-lip synching is good and in time however some of the shots could due shortened
-shots of the band are good but they could be included more
-more angles of shot could be used
-shots at night should be included

-shot of the protagonist waking up links well to the songs narrative
-shots of the protagonist walking are too repetitive
-good lip synching used
-enjoyed the shots of the band
-the location could be seen as too nice for the situation of the protagonist

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