Wednesday 16 November 2011

Target Audience

As mentioned in the band research the target audience for my video as well as the digipack and magazine article will be students to young adults both male and female. However i believe that the majority of the audience would be males due to the music and the way it is presented through the bands image. I will appeal to this target audience through the way that the video will be filmed and the range of extravagent camera angles/shots as well as the way the band will be presented e.g actions and clothing etc. I think that this sort of media is majorly consumed on the interent with people either downloading music online or watching the music video on YouTube. However a large group of music enthuisiasts still but the CD which is the reason why i will also be creating the digipack which would be for the CD to appeal to the target audience. Another aspect of this will be the magazine article which in the modern day is a very effecive way of introducing and advertising a band or artist and encourageing a consumer to buy the CD or view/download online.

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