Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Band Research

They are a Sheffield band named Silent Sundays. The band formed in mid 2006 after trying many different line-ups until they found a comfortable line-up and an always positive atmosphere.
They are a 4-Piece band, and have a wide variety in the styles of music that they play. They play a mixture of covers and originals which range between punk, rock and indie.
With a Lead guitarist and Drummer into some of the more heavier genres, our music includes fast solos, fast rhythms, Strong and rhythmic drumming and some awesome fills. Also on the lighter side, the band has a bassist and rhythm guitarist into lighter, more indie style music, giving songs a nice melodic feeling with some chords new to the guitaring world, fast chord changes, funky bass riffs and clever chord structures. With Dave as the lead vocalist and Tray and Tom as back-up vocalists, their vocal range is almost endless, so they like to include clever and melodic vocal parts, with some strong vocal parts for all 3 of the vocalists in the band.

The bands target audience is generally from students to young adults and can be both for a male and female audience. When hearing the bands music this is very evident as well as when you see the band and the image they portray. This is due to the band being of a young age and the distinctive style they have adopted which is shown throughout their music. I will be sticking to this target audience when creating my music video for one of their songs as well as the added pieces such as the digipack and the magazine article. This will be done by using a young range of people to act as the band during the video and to keep a basic yet proffesional, light hearted theme throughout.

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