Monday, 31 October 2011

Genre Research (Indie Rock)

The genre of this band and their song which i will be using is indie rock. I will be researching the the genre so that i can intergrate into my music video.

Indie rock is a genre that originated in the United Kingdom and United States in the 1980s. Indie rock is a diverse genre with a variety of sub genres within this such as Post rock, Indie pop and Noise rock. the term was originally associated with the record labels recording the music and then was used interchangeably as alternative rock. The main instruments which are used within the music of this genre are Guitar, Bass, Drums and Keyboard. these instruments are often shown within the music video of indie rock genre as it clearly targets the audience and demonstrates the genre effectively.

Indie rock, derived from "independent", describes the small and relatively low budget labels on which it is released and the do-it-yourself attitude of the bands and artists involved. Although distribution deals are often struck with major corporate companies these labels and the bands they host have attempted to retain their autonomy, leaving them free to explore sounds, emotions and subjects of limited appeal to large, mainstream audiences. The main target audience of this genre of music is generally young people both make and female which is evident through the sound of the music, the image of the band and their music videos. This is also relevant to my music video as i will be targeting this audience and this again will be demonstrated throughout the project.

When the term indie was first used in mid 1980s to describe the music produced on post-punk labels rather than the actual labels themselves. After the introduction of indie a number of bands/artists would label themselves in the indie genre. Indie music is a fast growing genre in today's society and a very popular choice of music as there are many ways it can be approached. The genre of indie rock contains a diverse range of links within other genres. This is what a high amount of upcoming unsigned artists base themselves and their music around. As the genre has developed over the years, since its introduction a number of characteristics have been added and developed for the better of the genre. This has lead to there being numerous sub-genres within indie music which is why it has become so popular.

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