Thursday, 13 October 2011

Possible Artists

When I was searching for an artist I chose a number number of songs which I might use. I shortlisted this down to three songs which I thought I could create a successful video for and would be the most suitable. I will be explaining below why I chose which song I did for the video and the reasons of why I rejected the others . This will include not only the song itself but the genre as well as the style and image that the band and song create and how I can portray this with my video.

  • Silent Sundays 
  • The 99s
  • The Colours

After reviewing each band and their music I decided to use the Silent Sundays song midnight wanderer. This was because I did not only prefer the song itself and the sound of the band. Their image and target audience was also the most relevant for the image that I wanted my music video to have therefore I chose this over the others as they could not offer this. The bands that I looked at were all of the indie rock genre and I decided to use the silent sundays as their music was more appealing to me and I felt that I could portray their sound and image well to the audience.

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