Thursday, 15 March 2012

Hardware/ Equipment Used

In completing this project I had to use not only a range of software but a variety of Hardware/ Equipment that has greatly helped me along the way. The first example of this is the Apple iMacs that we have access to for our project. This is due to our school having a separate a-level media suite with students who are studying media to have the access to these computers to get the best we can out of our ideas and music video. The iMacs are a very good piece of hardware to use as they are simple yet professional and the software upon these is of fantastic quality.
APPLE iMac MC309 21.5" All-in-One

When filming my music video i used a Canon Legria FS200. These were the cameras that we could borrow from school to film our projects. The camera is of a simple design and is easy to record and upload footage via and sd card. However these cameras are not HD and this is clearly evident in my video as the quality is not of the highest standard. Although it is not HD this is still a good reliable camera to use even if the quality is not amazing there is nothing that can be done to change this on mine or anybody else's video that was filmed with these cameras.
I also used a tripod when filming a number of the shots in my video which helped to add stability and professionalism to my project. This again was borrowed from school as they allowed us access to this equipment to help the progression of our projects.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    I have never thought that there people that have the same thoughts about Microfilm Equipment with me and share them on the web as it is awesome and makes others overlook their personal point of view.
    Thanks for great information!!
