Tuesday 17 April 2012

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

When creating my digipak i was well aware that there should be a link between my main product and the ancillary tasks. The combination of these are vital and and I believe this combination to be very effective and successful in my project as they all interlink. I felt that I wanted and needed there to be clear synergy between the three media texts of the video itself, the digipak and the advert. In both the advert and the CD cover the same image is used and throughout my project consistency is kept by using the same three people to be the band in my video and also in the ancillary tasks. I also made sure that I used the same band name and the same title of the song throughout which is also the name of the album. Although these are similar as an audience the advert is more effective than the CD cover as although it offers the same image as the CD cover there is more in terms of extra information.    

The music video is the most important marketing tool for the release of the single and the album as it is used to draw in the audience and help them to identify what the rest of the album will contain and the general sound of the band. This may not be as important for a well known artist but as my band is not well known sand this is a debut album the music video needs to be enjoyable and appealing. The video and the song help to showcase the band and their music. This then helps to create a link between the music video and the ancillary tasks which helps the audience to identify the music and the band through these different forms of media.

In the research that I conducted I reviewed the music video and CD covers and album adverts for a number of bands within my target audience. This is what helped me to realise what I need to include in these media tasks and how to link them together effectively to appeal to the target audience. An example of this is the Kings of Leon album 'only by the night' with the video linking to the digipak with the use of the band and a green filter which is evident in the music video and on the front of the CD cover. An image of the band is also shown on the front cover however, the image is made up of four sections with one section from each band member and then also small sections of an owl integrated into this. Although this seems a strange design it clearly links to the title 'only by the night'. This image is then shown on the advert so the link to this is obvious as this also shows the title of the band and due to the size and style of the font it is very eye-catching to the viewer.

The research of videos and digipaks was influential in helping me to create a link between my main product and ancillary tasks. This was because after viewing a number of these I became aware of the links that are shown between popular music videos and there digipaks. There were a range of links between the bands that I looked at and there music video and there digipaks and I decided to use some of these in my project. This research had a huge affect on my music video and the ancillary tasks as it allowed me to gather different conventions and elements that were presented in these and apply them to my project.

The link between my main product and ancillary tasks is also clearly evident on my CD insert which is part of my digipak. I created the insert using Photoshop as it allowed me to make the changes i needed and wanted to make. The insert that i created is made up of four images of my band, these images are all taken from shots within my video. This shows the clear link between my video and my digipack. The actual images are of my three band members with three of the photos being a separate one for each band member and the fourth  image being of the whole band together. As the images are taken from my video the band members are shown whilst performing in their separate picture and then they are shown performing together. This shows again the link between the main product and the ancillary tasks and  again links with the conventions and themes of this genre with the performance and also the use of the instruments is shown on the insert.

In conclusion I believe that the combination of my main media product and my ancillary tasks is very effective and these links are well presented and portrayed therefore they are clearly recognizable to the audience. This is shown throughout my ancillary task with my CD cover showing the band that is used in my video and then the same image is used on my advert to create a clear link there. A factor that has massively helped to create this effectiveness is the research that i did before completing these tasks as I was able to become aware of how popular bands in this genre make the link between their videos and there album covers etc and the typical conventions of these.

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