Thursday 5 April 2012

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

In mine and any project audience feedback is vital through every stage and can really help something to develop, and to be successful and effective. This is why once I had made a rough cut I asked fellow classmates to watch my video and give me feedback. I asked them to write the feedback down with what they liked about my video and what they didn't and then any suggestions for improvement that should be in my music video. It was also crucial that the media students in my class are in the bracket of my target audience. This meant that my music video was intended for people of this age and they are aware of the typical conventions in a music video aimed within this target audience and also they were aware of the genre.

The feedback that I received was very influential in what I planned to change to my music video and although it was good to receive positive feedback it was the suggestions for improvement that were key in this. The majority of the feedback was similar which made me aware that these issues that were recognized by all needed to be addressed but also there were suggestions made that were only noted by one or two and these also proved to be important. After I had gathered this feedback from a number of people I went onto blogger and made a post to put this audience feedback on and then i noted the changes i was going to make due to the response of audience feedback.

There were a number of positive things noted about my video with a lot of the people who watched my video saying that they enjoyed the shots of the band in my video and the lip syncing was good. However it was the negative comments that were beneficial in my video when it came to the difference between my rough cut and the final cut. The main issue noted was that shots of the night were needed in the video as this tied in with the song. It was also suggested that the shots of the protagonist walking in my video were shortened and broken up with a wider variety of shots. This feedback was instrumental in the changes I made as I realized that i should have included these shots of the protagonist at night when i first filmed and i decided to film again to get these extra shots needed.

When i had filmed these shots i went back onto iMovie and added these shots into my video. I also made other changes to improve my video with some of these changes being from my opinion on what could be improved. However these were only minor changes such as the use of a filter or transitions with the major changes within the video being due to the audience feedback. This included breaking up the walking shots with a wider range of shots and angles used. I also decided to show more shots of the band in the video as this is a major convention in this genre of music videos and my audience feedback recognized this.

I have learned even more so in this project that audience feedback plays a huge part in all stages of the project. Audience feedback helped me to improve my video drastically with a number of changes made to my rough cut due to the feedback I received. This meant that once I had a final cut of my video the major issues had been addressed and the difference between the rough cut and the final cut was very good in terms of what i wanted to achieve from the audience feedback.

I also used audience feedback for my ancillary tasks as when I began designing them I asked a number of my classmates what they thought of my ideas and if they thought I could improve any part of my digipak or advert. These comments also turned out to be very useful and beneficial to my ancillary tasks as it was minor adjustments such as the brightness or contrast which were suggested and led to a big difference in the quality of my digipak. I decided to make a few of these small changes and this made me realize that audience feedback can help something to improve dramatically.

Overall i think that audience feedback is essential in this type of project and it has been a huge advantage to have audience feedback on my rough cut and has been instrumental in the development and improvement of my music video.  There are also many ways which audience feedback can be approached such as a questionnaire or in the way i collected audience feedback by getting the viewer to write down what they liked about the video and then to suggest parts that could be improved and how this could be achieved. This allowed me to get a range of answers which is why audience feedback is so vital as it covers all areas and can help a project to improve drastically. This is why I think that in future projects I will collect more audience feedback because although I did not collect that much in this project what I did get in terms of feedback was hugely beneficial and helped in many ways.

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