In this project there was a range of media technologies that I used for the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages. The main piece of technology used in this project was iMovie. The reason for using iMovie was because we use iMacs at school for A- Level media and this is the standard editing software than is installed on the iMacs. Overall i enjoyed using iMovie and found it pretty easy to use and felt that it had a lot to offer when it came to editing my footage. However as this is just the standard software it would not be as good as software that could be brought such as final cut however as we did not have access to this we had to use Imovie.
What i liked about Imovie was how simple it was to edit my footage once i had got used to it this was not only just used in the construction of my music video but in other areas such as the planning in which i had to create an animatic of the video before actually creating the real thing. in Imovie it is really easy to select sections of footage and move them around, crop them and add effects too them. I also used i movie last year for AS so i already knew what i was doing which was different from last year as i had to get used to it but by this year i have become familiar with this software.
However on the other hand even though Imovie has a lot of options such as effects, transitions and titles it is not well designed for precision editing and can be very difficult when trying to match the music with clips such as lip syncing in my video as it can not be edited as precisely as i would like. as mentioned this software is easy to use however that is only after using it for a while as at first the unusual interface can often be difficult to get to grips with.
I also used Photoshop in this project when creating my digipak and magazine advert. Photoshop was not installed on the iMacs at school so i had to download the free 30 day trial and use that for my ancillary tasks. When i first downloaded this piece of software i expected it to be very complicated and difficult to use as i had not used it before, however i quickly gathered how to use Photoshop effectively. After i had got to grips with this piece of modern technology i realized why it is such a popular piece of software in the modern day. This was due to the huge variety of options available when using Photoshop. I also used disclabel for my digipack which is a piece of apple software that you have to pay for but again like the majority of software a 30 day free trial is available to download. Disclabel has a preset layout for designs such as a digipak and there were already templates available. It was really easy to use however the only downfall would be the lack of options available in the program itself when it came to editing images.
When actually filming my video I used a canon legria camera which was provided by my school and these are very basic easy to use cameras. Although they are not HD and the quality is not the best these are still good enough cameras to film with and to create my media project. It was a very simple setup on the camera which meant that I could just use it straight away as I didn't have to figure out how to work it and once i had filmed it was also a very easy procedure to upload the footage to the computer by just putting the cameras SD card into the computer.
When planning and researching my project i used features such as Google and YouTube which were the main outlets for my research. This mainly included researching my genre and the subjects within this such as the target audience. YouTube allowed me to watch videos of bands in the same genre as mine such as The Killers, Kings of Leon and the Kaiser Chiefs. This then helped me to understand the conventions within this genre and helped in the development of my planning.
The use of blogger was also hugely instrumental in all aspects of this project as blogger is used to record everything that i have done in the project and the reasons for this. I used blogger for every step of my project from the early planning and research to the evaluation and this allowed me to keep track of all the work i had done and it was easily accessible. All of my documents associated with this were stored on blogger and were well organised so i could edit documents such as my filming schedule whenever i needed too. Blogger can also be used to embed images and videos into posts which in the early stages allowed me to analyse existing music video and the later stages i could upload my video and the digipak to blogger.
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